Countering Climate Skepticism
Ever get annoyed by denial of climate science? You know that 97%+ of climate scientists agree that climate change is human caused yet you still hear people arguing that: - “Climate has always changed” or - “But CO2 only makes up a tiny fraction of the atmosphere” And struggle to know how to counter? My name is John, a history teacher and joining me in this brand new podcast series ‘Countering Climate Skepticism’ is my old secondary school classmate Mark the climate researcher. Together we aim to provide you the layperson with foundational knowledge about the Earth’s climate such that you can identify and respond to the dizzying array of denial arguments you find out there! Email us on:

The Ziggurat of Climate Denial
ZIGGURAT1: The climate may not be warming;
ZIGGURAT2: but if it is, this is probably due to natural variation;
ZIGGURAT3: but if that is not the case, the amount of warming is probably not significant;
ZIGGURAT4: but if it is, the benefits should outweigh the disadvantages;
ZIGGURAT5: but if they don’t, technology should be able to solve problems as they arise;
ZIGGURAT6(a): but if it can’t, we shouldn’t wreck the economy to fix the problem”
ZIGGURAT6(b): but if it can’t, we’re doomed”

Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Ep7 - Ziggurat2 - But it’s natural! (Part3)
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Rounding off our recent 3 part series on why it is (unfortunately) us.Skeptics/denialists have a problems with the CO2 explanation, if they even admit it's increasing then they think it's insignificant. Or if it's significant then its increase is natural. There is much shifting of the goalposts, but no matter, here we explain why they're wrong, wrong and wrong again!TIMESTAMPS AVAILABLESHOWNOTES@10.07 (click through for Methane, N20, temp and sea-level) (global network of measurements) (CO2 lags temperature graph) (ocean acidification graph)

Monday Dec 04, 2023
Ep6 - Ziggurat2 - But it’s natural! (Part2)
Monday Dec 04, 2023
Monday Dec 04, 2023
You can't go very far in the world of climate denial without hearing that 'It's the sun!' or 'maybe it's volcanoes!'After today's episode you should be able to pulverise any denial arguments (arguments not the people making them!) of these sort that come your way. How very satisfying!Enjoy!TIMESTAMPS availableSHOWNOTES - COMING BEFORE THE END OF TODAY@10.20 Bloomberg articleWhat's warming the world.
@15.05 - Graph of stratospheric cooling (slide 29)
@49.50 - dilution of carbon 13 - dilution of carbon 14 - Oxygen dropping - The Clean

Monday Nov 13, 2023
Ep5 - Ziggurat2 - But it’s natural! (Part1)
Monday Nov 13, 2023
Monday Nov 13, 2023
On to Level 2 of the ziggurat! The skeptics admit the climate is warming (How very reasonable of them), but...It isn't humanity, no of course not.Episode 1 of 3. Enjoy!TIMESTAMPS available!SHOWNOTES!@14.21 - Skeptical science - This episode uses slide 2 of the following to look at the near, middle and distant climate past:, @54.33 @01.04.33 - Bloomberg articleWhat's warming the world.

Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Ep4 - Ziggurat1 - The world may not be warming... (Part2)
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Surely no one's still arguing the world isn't warming, and even if they are, surely it can be covered in 1 podcast! Well sorry to have to break it to you but, they are, and it can't! :D :D
TIMESTAMPS AVAILABLE!SHOWNOTESThis episode continues to use the powerpoint: - Skeptical science

Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Ep3 - Ziggurat1 - The world may not be warming... (Part1)
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Either a classic from the climate denial playbook or merely just the most boneheaded. Despite the enormous weight of evidence that the world is warming, the deniers seem to know better. Just what is it they know that the rest of us sheeple don't?EPISODE TIMESTAMPS AVAILABLESHOWNOTES:(@35.00)IPCC data on climate

Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Ep2 - What is the ’Climate Denial Ziggurat’ in our logo?
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Since we keep (or will keep) banging on about the climate denial ziggurat as a way of getting a bird's eye view on climate change denial, we thought it sensible to do a special episode on it, just so you know what we're on about. Enjoy!TIMESTAMPS AVAILABLE!SHOWNOTES!@4.00 - skeptical science
@5.24 - small oceans and atmospheres
@20.45 - What 1-5 degrees of warming means
@37 - Kurzgesagt fossil fuel doomism strategy after 11 mins into the video)

Sunday Oct 08, 2023
Ep1 - But CO2 is less than half of 0.1%!!!
Sunday Oct 08, 2023
Sunday Oct 08, 2023
Hello and welcome to our Countering Climate Skepticism podcast!We introduce ourselves, the podcast before discussing what the term 'climate', 'climate skeptic' means.We then discuss the 'climate denial ziggurat' as a way of understanding climate change denialbefore dealing with our 1st climate skeptic argument.Many thanks for joining us!TIMESTAMPS AVAILABLE!Shownotes:@37mins - Ziggurat
1: The climate may not be warming;
2: but if it is, this is probably due to natural variation;
3: but if that is not the case, the amount of warming is probably not significant;
4: but if it is, the benefits should outweigh the disadvantages;
5: but if they don't, technology should be able to solve problems as they arise;
6: but if it can't, we shouldn't wreck the economy to fix the problem@1hour2min2 - Kurzgesagt videos on climate change, your 1 stop shop for good quality knowledge on climate change and will only take about an hour of your life to watch these tremendously entertaining videos!
7 - 2022-04-05 - We WILL Fix Climate Change! -
6 - 2021-11-30 - Is Meat Really that Bad? -
5 - 2021-09-22 - Can YOU Fix Climate Change? -
4 - 2021-04-13 - Do we Need Nuclear Energy to Stop Climate Change? -
3 - 2020-10-27 - Geoengineering: A Horrible Idea We Might Have to Do -
2 - 2020-09-29 - Is It Too Late To Stop Climate Change? Well, it's Complicated. -
1 - 2020-06-21 - Who Is Responsible For Climate Change? – Who Needs To Fix It? -

Monday Oct 02, 2023